Ski slopes map
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Liepkalnis winter entertainment park



Ski slopes map
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  1. General conditions


1.1 These rules for the use and behavior of the Liepkalnis ski slopes (hereinafter referred to as the “Slopes”) on the slopes regulate the procedure for the use and behavior of the slopes and the adjacent territory, as well as the rights and obligations of their users.

1.2. The Slopes include an area that includes a landing area and lifts specifically designed for downhill skiing or snowboarding.

1.3. The legal relationship between the Track User (hereinafter referred to as the “User”) and the Operator (hereinafter referred to as the “Owner”) is governed by these Rules, the Civil Code and other applicable acts.

1.4. The Slopes Use Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is concluded at the moment when a person purchases a Lift and Slopes Use Ticket or otherwise legally obtains the Owner's permission or approval to use the Slopes (hereinafter referred to as the “Ticket”).

1.5. The Owner grants the User permission to use the Slopes only in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

1.6. The tracks can be used only by those persons who have purchased a valid Ticket, purchased or received at the box office of Liepkalnis ski resort from the staff of Liepkalnis ski resort. Persons who have not received the Owner's permission to use the Slopes or who do not have a valid Ticket are not entitled to use the Slopes.

1.7. These Rules are not recognized by the Owner's offer to enter into the Agreement. The User's action to purchase a Ticket from the Owner or his / her authorized person is recognized as an offer to enter into the Agreement under these conditions. In turn, the issuance of a Ticket to the Person by the Owner or his / her authorized person is recognized as an acceptance. The owner or his authorized person is not obliged to accept the express offer. These Terms and Conditions and other circumstances shall not be construed as an assurance that an offer made by a person will necessarily be accepted.

1.8. The obligations of the User and the rights of the Owner set forth in this Agreement are binding on those persons who actually use the Slopes or are in the territory of the Slopes without using them without a Ticket or with an invalid Ticket or before and after the expiry of the Ticket. By using and / or being on the Slopes, the person undertakes to comply with the terms of this Agreement.

1.9. The right to use the Slopes belongs to a natural person not younger than 12 years of age. Minors under the age of 12 may use the Slopes only under the direct supervision of an adult.

1.10. It is forbidden to have (ride with or without muzzle, keep in a cage, etc.) dogs and other animals on the Slopes.

1.11. For a fee teach snowboarding or skiing on the Slopes and any economic or commercial activities on the Slopes are only possible with the prior written consent of the Owner. Violation of this clause (suspected violation thereof) is the basis for recognizing the User for gross violation of the rules and / or forbidding the use of the Slopes indefinitely.


1.12. Disputes and disagreements that arise for the Parties during the performance of this Agreement shall be immediately resolved through mutual negotiations (e-mail ). If they cannot be resolved through mutual negotiations, both Parties have the right to apply to a court in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. The State Consumer Rights Protection Service is competent to settle consumer disputes out of court (Vilniaus St. 25, 01402 Vilnius, e-mail, phone 8 5 262 67 51, fax (8 5) 279 1466, website, as well as to the territorial subdivisions of the State Consumer Rights Protection Service in counties or to fill in the application form on the EGS platform ”.


  1. Term of the contract:

2.1. From the moment a natural person has purchased a Ticket, he is considered a “User” within the meaning of this Agreement and is bound by this Agreement.

2.2. The term of the Agreement expires, together with the right to use the Slopes, if the time specified in the Ticket or the number of landings expires.

2.3. The term of the Agreement expires together with the right to use the Routes if the person's Ticket is canceled due to non-compliance with the terms of this Agreement.


  1. Inventory:

3.1. This Agreement entitles the User to use the Trails for downhill skiing or snowboarding (hereinafter referred to as “Inventory”).

3.2. Only technically sound Inventory is allowed on the tracks.

3.3. The user must check the technical condition of his Inventory. If the User has any doubts or information about the technical condition of his Inventory, he must consult the Specialists at the Inventory Rental Point.

3.4. The snowboard must be equipped with a safety belt attached to the snowboard attachment and the User's foot, and the skis must be equipped with brake "paws" to prevent the snowboard or skis from slipping and causing damage or injury to other Users without the user's knowledge. Ski poles must be fitted with protective pads at the bottom.

3.5. The terms of this Agreement are binding on all Users, regardless of whether they use their Inventory or rent it from the Owner or third parties.

3.6. It is forbidden to use toboggans, films, cross-country skis, etc. on the tracks, as well as other ride equipment, except for the one specified in the Rules.

  1. User rights and obligations:

4.1. The user has the right to use only the part of the mountain slope reserved for downhill skiing or snowboarding (hereinafter referred to as the "Slopes landing area"). It is forbidden to use the lift road for landing. A lift path is considered to be a conditional line on which users ascend a slope using a lift.

4.2. The User must comply with the terms of this Agreement, signs and instructions on the Slopes, related conditions to the Slopes, their use and the Inventory. The User must comply with the requirements or instructions of the Owner's employees, dressed in the appropriate form or otherwise marked with the appropriate insignia (hereinafter referred to as the "Slopes Personnel"), regarding the Slopes, their use and the Inventory.

4.3. Users are prohibited from using or being on the Slopes (whether with or without equipment) under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substances. The Slopes staff or any other person authorized by the Owner has the right to request an immediate check that the user is intoxicated with alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substances. Refusal to allow immediate verification of the user's intoxication with alcohol, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or obstruction in any way to verify that the user is intoxicated with alcohol, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances shall be considered as alcohol, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and shall have equivalent legal consequences as a finding that the user is intoxicated with alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substances. The use or presence of tracks (with or without equipment) under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances, regardless of the degree of intoxication, is considered a serious violation of the Rules.

4.4. The User has the right to use only such Inventory on the Tracks that is technically in order. Before each landing, the user must make sure that the Inventory is in good technical condition.

4.5. The User is not allowed to walk in the area of the landing and the area of operation of the lift. In cases where the User is forced to walk around the Slopes Landing Area, picking up a fallen item of inventory (such as a ski that has slipped on the Slope) or for assistance in the event of an accident, the User must move without disturbing other Users as much as possible.

4.6. The User is prohibited from standing or sitting in the Slopes Landing Area or on the lift road with technically sound Inventory. Fall, inventory defect, assistance to the victim, assistance to another fallen User can be considered justified. When stopping, efforts must be made to clear the Slopes Landing Area as soon as possible.

4.7. The User assumes full responsibility for his safety, health and life on the Slopes and is responsible for ensuring that the selected speed and maneuvers do not exceed his skill and do not endanger the safety of other Slopes Users.

4.8. The User waives any right of claim and undertakes not to make any property or other claims and claims against the Owner for personal injuries, damage or loss (injuries, inventory, damage to vehicles, etc.) received on the Slopes, if this is the result of a breach or non-compliance with these conditions.

4.9. The part of the track called the "Snow Park" and marked with the appropriate reference can be used by people who have skills and whose skills correspond to the level of difficulty of the springboards and figures. Skiers can use the Snow Park only with helmets on their heads and only under 16 years of age. The staff has the right to prohibit any User from using the Snowboard Park if his abilities or the way he lands is dangerous to himself or other visitors.

  1. Landing conditions:

5.1. The User wishing to start the ride must make sure that he does not endanger himself and other Skiers after starting the ride.

5.2. Before each landing, The user must assess the quality and condition of the snow cover on the Slopes, as well as the presence of other persons in the landing area, in order to perform safe landing.

5.3. The user can only start the landing once he is sure that he will be able to land safely. The user is prohibited from using the Slopes if there is any doubt that the quality or condition of the snow is unsuitable for landing, even if the lift is running. The user is not allowed to be in the Slopes Landing Area if there is or is a retractor (snow tractor). The user must give way to a retractor (snow tractor) or special transport from the Slopes Services.

5.4. A User may overtake another User from the right or left. The User must leave a sufficient width of the Slope for maneuvering to the person being overtaken.

5.5. The User must keep a safe distance from the front and avoid collisions with the front. The User skiing from above is responsible for avoiding a collision with a person below or in front, and for the consequences of such a collision.

5.6. In poorly visible places on the Slopes or in case of uncertainty, the User is allowed to move at such a speed that it is possible to avoid a collision, regardless of the situation.

5.7. The User is prohibited from crossing the conditional line that separates the lift road from the Slope Landing Area.

5.8. The User must provide assistance in the event of an accident. Any accident must be reported immediately to the Track staff and assistance must be provided if necessary.

  1. Terms of use of the lift:

6.1. Before taking off:

6.1.1. The user must follow the order at the lift.

6.1.2. It is only possible to attach to and detach from the lift in the designated areas. Uncoupling during take-off is only allowed at the special request of the Slopes staff. Only one User can lift one lift hook / holder (on "Tablet" lifts). A maximum of two Users can lift the hook / anchor (on T-bar lifts).

6.1.3. A User who is not experienced in the use of the lift must inform the Slopes Personnel at the lift so that he can assist.

6.1.4. The user must choose as close and appropriate clothing as possible, and the pockets and clasp must be fastened so that the components of the lift intended for lifting the User to the top of the mountain - the hook, the holder, the anchor (hereinafter referred to as the “Holder / Anchor”) do not get caught.

6.2. starting ascent:

6.2.1. The User (skier) must remove the stick straps and hold the stick in his hand protruding from the lift. If you are boarding with a snowboard, lift one leg off the snowboard mount.

6.2.2. The User must stand in the immediate vicinity of the lift, but not closer than 0.5 m from the vertical line of his cable so that the User is not touched by the sliding lifts / anchors of the lift. If the sliding Holder / Anchor has damaged the User's clothing for this reason, the Owner will not indemnify.

6.2.3. The user must grasp the Holder / Anchor with his free hand in the direction of movement. When starting to move, place the Multilift lift holder behind your back at waist height. T-bar lift holder / anchor behind the back below the hip line, Tablet lift holder / anchor is inserted between the legs.

6.3. During take-off:

6.3.1. The user must point the skis or snowboard in the direction of the lift path.

6.3.2. When traveling with the lift, drive straight ahead, without twists and turns and depending on the lifting path. In the event of a fall, the lift path is cleared as soon as possible.

6.3.3. It is forbidden for the user to release the Holder / Anchor directly in front of the lift supports.

6.4. At the end of the ascent:

6.4.1. Before removing the hook, the User must make sure that the Holder / Anchor is not attached to the clothes or the Inventory to prevent injury to the User (bodily injury) and to prevent damage to the User's clothing and Inventory.

6.4.2. The user must only detach from the Holder / Anchor when the skis are already on a horizontal surface.

6.4.3. The user must immediately clear the area in the direction of the nearest slope so that the next lift user does not cause injury with the released Holder / Anchor.

6.4.4. When uncoupling the lift, the User must not pull the Holder / Anchor to the side or perform any other action that could result in the lift cable being broken or damaged or another person being injured.

6.4.5. In the event that the lift poses a threat to any of the Users of the Slopes, the User must request a loud switch-off of the lift or switch off the lift himself by pressing the “STOP” button.


  1. User responsibility:

7.1. The User is liable for any damage and loss he has caused to third parties or the Owner while using the Slopes.

7.2. If the User does not comply with the requirements of this Agreement, the Slope Personnel has the right to cancel his Ticket and prohibit the use of the Slopes. In the event of a serious violation of the Rules, the User is prohibited from using the Slopes indefinitely.

7.3. The User is liable for damage and loss suffered by third parties and the Owner as a result of a breach of the Rules, including non-compliance with the terms of use of the lift.

7.4. In case of loss of the ticket, the User has no right to renew it or refund the amount paid.

7.5. The User is not entitled to demand the exchange of the Ticket for money, if the validity period of the Ticket has started and he is no longer satisfied with the condition of the route surface, the weather or any other circumstances.


  1. Owner's responsibility:

8.1. The Owner shall not be liable for any accidents or damages resulting from the User's or third parties' violation of the terms of this Agreement.

8.2. The owner does not take responsibility for damage to inventory, vehicles, other people's property, theft.

8.3. The owner is not liable for any damage or loss caused by improper use of the lift or non-compliance with safety regulations.

8.4. Lift parts can smear the User's clothes in humid weather, The Owner is not responsible for the smeared clothes.


  1. Other conditions:

9.1. The Owner has the right not to allow a person to use the Slopes if the person does not have a Ticket or has terminated its operation, including in the event of cancellation of the Ticket. The Owner has the right to take action to remove these persons from the Slopes.

9.2. Disputes and disagreements regarding the Rules, their violation and liability for the use of the Slopes shall be resolved through mutual negotiations. If they cannot be resolved through mutual negotiations, both Parties have the right to apply to a court in Vilnius in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.


Snow Park Rules

Always evaluate your abilities, as you are solely responsible for your own safety.

  • In SNOW PARK can only ski on Twin Tip skis and snowboards.
  • If you are an inexperienced snowboarder / skier, do not try to repeat the tricks performed by more experienced skiers.
  • Before skiing in SNOW PARK, inspect the figures and evaluate your experience and abilities.
  • If two people reach the figure at the same time, the first one ski first, the second one must wait until the person who skiing before him lands safely.
  • Beware of people who are skiing uncarefully and across your road.
  • If you fall accidentally, get up as soon as possible.
  • Be polite. Do not behave in a way that you would not want to be treated.
  • Do not stop in poorly visible places.
  • Never release your snowboard. If you take it off, place the bindings facing down on the snow.


In Snow  park is prohibited

  • Skiing without helmet
  • Skiing for persons under 16 without parental or instructor supervision.
  • For park visitors to build and change figures independently.
  • Rest on / between SNOW PARK figures.
  • Skiing while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs and toxic substances.